Questera takes part in the Start-Up Brazil Advisory Committee

Questera takes part in the Start-Up Brazil Advisory Committee

On invitation of the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), Questera takes part, through its CEO, Raul Colcher, of the  Start-Up Brazil Advisory Committee, representing ASSESPRO, the most representative national association of software and IT service companies, in which Raul serves voluntarily as Vice-Chairman of Finance and Sustainability.

Start-Up Brasil is an important governmental effort, with participation of representative organizations of the private sector, to facilitate and support the creation and nurturing of innovative, technology-based ventures. The first meeting of the advisory committee was held in Brasilia, last July 19. Nine accelerator organizations were selected through a specific government edital and the first fifty-four selected projects will be announced shortly. On September 2 to 4, in Rio de Janeiro, an Induction Week will be held, to effectively initiate the acceleration program for the first selected enterpreneurs.

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